It is possible to assume that the legend about Danko was the process projection which element were DANKI. Probably, it was attempt to create a condition for Integrity and Unity. In case of good luck, Change, probably, would not be required.
In the part which have reached us of Ved Rusov and Ariev of White Races, in particular in the book ”Riddle of Russian Entre Rios”, (часть3) written on a basis yet not published “the Speech dictionary поокской the earths”, Aristov V. F and Aristov R. V are such text:
“DANKI - the returned tribute старицей. The elite presented on SEDMA children reached seventh and above generations, taken on training in the SORT at GARDARE. Pupils.
About the data of the child subject to training with the subsequent dedication in сокральные sacraments, representatives of clergy GARDARA judged according to SRDMA his parents.
The way in GARDAR began long before its birth. Selection of married couples could program spiritual and physical qualities of the subsequent generations. The data of the child at its birth and achievement of one-year-old age judged clergy GARDARA.
MAGICIANS and VEDUNII on colour and the AURA form defined abilities and bents of the ward of the child taken on the control. If such child has been born in a tribe crossed threshold SEDMA of the seventh generation, having reached fourteen-year age was called in GARDAR accompanied by PILFERERS. It occurred on morning after NIGHT PERVUNA.
Arriving in ГАРДАРЕ, originally they played servants role at a sanctuary of Fire and its economy.
But from other positions approached to the child born in the SORT. Not know expectations and needs of the people, allocated with the power, it could appear on the wrong track society formation. Especially to the native of the SORT the Spiritual way of development was predetermined. Its tests began on achievement of the first lifetime night by it ПЕРВУНА. (Readout of age of the child was estimated from conception term).
The most successful moment of conception of such person CONFESSORS carried by the time of an autumn equinox.
Almost one-year-old, in the age relation, under the decree of MAGICIANS, the child left from parents. Its cradle was established on a raft and having lighted the fixture was started up on a watercourse.
Upon termination of Nochi Pervuna, with sunrise, it is old and млад left on coast Mother - the Rivers on purpose to give to a current of waters a part of ashes from the FINGER of fire of the TRIBE and the family centre. With hope to receive in replacements sacred conception of the belly and possible gift of the river as the child. The river not seldom justified expectations, presenting with their boy. The foundling was presented to the childless woman who sponsored it, devoting it the life. The boy grew, хранимый and preserved by a shelter of all tribe, comprehending everyday subtleties.
SHINGA - The baby presented by the river.
Messenger GARDARA to whom it was necessary as DANKI all burdens and deprivations of a life throughout long years. Its occurrence in селище after night Pervuna at the age of one year did not become secret for inhabitants. But who is not dared to reveal before it secret of its mission. In селище was considered as great honour to have on education of the future governor of a sort or КУЩИ.
The constant control fixed its actions. Observers did not miss any detail. His life is looked through it was CLEARLY COME.
Disappearance of Shingi from селища was as unexpectedly as well as its occurrence. For it process of tests for courage and geniality began. It was represented before the THRESHOLD. Then he realised the purpose put before it a life. In due course it was allocated with the right to rule and patronise. It became one of leaders of a society ”.
To all who is familiar with this theme the request to respond.
Elliot why this attempt is not has gone right?