Main » 2010 » January » 30 » Astrophysics warn: the body comes nearer to the Earth
7:49 PM Astrophysics warn: the body comes nearer to the Earth |
Astrophysics warn: the body comes nearer to the Earth, weight many times surpassing our planet. The meeting with it will turn back for us accident. Even if the Earth will avoid a head-on collision, the attraction flown by in several millions kilometres of the giant will be such force that a cover of our planet will break, as a fuzz.
Jury Karash, the expert on the space policy and the corresponding member of the Russian academy of astronautics, does not trust in similar succession of events. "I think that in this case it is a question not so much of the heavenly body several times exceeding on weight the Earth, how many or about imagination of the person which, ostensibly, has opened this heavenly body, or about boundless giperbolistic any fact mass media. How much I understand the heavenly mechanics, here such heavenly body, several times on weight exceeding our Earth, cannot easy pass through Solar system and face our planet because it is impossible to forget about that enormous attraction which renders our Sun on bodies rotating in Solar system. That is this body will be inevitably captured by gravitation of our star and will pass to a circular orbit or in general will be destroyed”, - it explains.
However astronomers have also other fears. On their supervision, on distance of 350 light years from the Earth there is a planet which moves towards the star and can soon face it. Explosion will be such force that fragments from a planet will scatter every which way, and a part from them обдаст the Earth a volley of meteorites.
But Karash is assured that the Earth is protected and from them. And not only the Sun, but also Jupiter. As he said, this heavenly giant is a trap for any space fragments, a magnet which draws to itself crazy asteroids. "But not all. Now astronomers total to 740 to the Earth of asteroids", - tells Karash. The expert also asserts that in the near future no dangers trap the Earth. It has cited as an example a hysterics concerning last heavenly bodies which should destroy our planet. "Even such asteroid -" Apofis ”. In 2004 was considered that the probability of its collision with the Earth makes 1 to 50. But have then counted and have told that in 2029 hardly it will face, and here in 2036 already the probability is great enough. And so then this probability has been lowered to 1 to 45 thousand, and now - 1 to 12,3 million. That is on the Turin scale, a ten-mark scale on which danger of collision with asteroids is estimated, is less units”, - tells Karash. |
Category: Universe |
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