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Recently "the children's portal" has opened so-called, persistently calling for it to join. That is propagandised on it as "games", to put it mildly, causes the SHOCK. That only there are such "games" as "it is cautious! Adults!", "newcomers in a kitchen garden"! After certain repetition of cycles children are easily programmed on the set actions and conditions of dialogue with world around which they learn to perceive as threat. Education thus fear and desire to kill, activization of low feelings, focusing on degradacions aspects of development becomes, seemingly, the core in the present. Certainly that such education is based on a basis carefully hidden from extraneous eyes and located in a zone of rising generation. Pay attention to interrogation: "HOW OLD ARE YOU?"
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Self-preservation – an unusual occurrence among people for there is no person who for all life never would lie. As the lie in human sphere is produced in large quantities so far as there is a destruction and consciousness degradation at biological level of existence. However, the created volume of healthy consciousness, without wishing to be the infected space virus, has invented an auxiliary kind of consciousness, which as crutches began to serve growing decrepit consciousness of mankind. Now on the Earth there was a possibility of transferring of all volume of Consciousness from Human Sphere – in Sphere of the Global Network of computer Reason. The modern mankind is threatened with the danger caused by wide influence and dependence of an information technology on consciousness of people. Transfer of natural functions of mind to an artificial intellect can cause easing and the further degradation of natural thinking of the person. Now, by 2004 creation of Global comp
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The reason of existence of such model is extremely simple – we have chosen to live in the Myth which we name a real life. It turns out that Mythology – that other as data on in what condition there can live the person. Meaningly removing mythology in the imagination category, we create to ourselves a reality which was successfully depicted by the Person. All our problems, desires, acts form it. The Messiah, you ask how to stop mind. In any way, while you live among people (if you, of course, do not wish to be locked in a cell and to become the eremite). Everything that will be possible to achieve to people, it соседствование intuition and mind (common sense). Therefore, when speech how there a life on Mars, mind with pleasure will draw the picture comes, and subconsciously you will catch vague images which can clear up so that become brighter than Mars. I can tell that adults, starting to see thus, often fly «from coils» and start either to preach, or to treat, or … it is a lot o
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Leaning against researches which professor Chudinov has described in the book "Sacred stones and pagan temples of ancient Slavs", by itself the conclusion that Russian - one of the most ancient languages on the Earth and one of pillars of all languages arises. It is possible to name results of these researches without any exaggeration sensational and capable in a root to change modern representations about history of the Euroasian countries and influence of ancient culture of Slavs on all European (and, possibly, to all world) a civilisation. Interview to professor Valery Alekseevichem Chudinovym - Your opening are very serious, they are absolutely beaten out from this understanding of history to which we have got used... Is only a part of the big plan. And the creative plan at me - to prove that slavic writing and first of all Russian writing exist, at least, some tens thousand years. Now I write other book, it will be conditional to be called "Russian
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The given record is the moment of the dialogue representing "underside", existing at each person till that time while it is not realised. Comprehension transforms polarity into Integrity, but quality of Experience at this process depends completely on the Person. Unless your motive in making it is more than money? No. I not for this reason began to write down. I have begun this dialogue on a paper because searched for answers to these questions within 30 years - questions on which I thirsted to receive answers. The idea publishing all it has come to me later. From Me. From You? Yes. And you thought I will allow you to lose for nothing all these remarkable questions and answers? I did not think at all of the similar. I simply wanted, that on questions answers that disappointments that search has come to the end have stopped have been found. It is good. Then cease to doubt the motives (you do it incessantly) and give we will move further.
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The extraterrestrial life is quite plausible, though there are no proofs of its existence, the leading astronomer of Vatican has declared publicly. Acting in the end of week conference on astrobiology, father José Gabriel Funes has told that the extraterrestrial life is admissible area of research. «Though the astrobiology is new and developing area, questions on an origin of a life and life presence in the Universe outside of the Earth are quite sensible problems and they deserve serious consideration", - the astronomer-Jesuit heading an observatory of Vatican has told. Conference has been organised by Papal academy of sciences for the purpose of discussion of occurrence, development, distribution and the future life in the Universe, transfers the Italian news agency ANSA. Physicists, chemists, astronomers, biologists and geologists have taken part in it from different corners of the world. All of them have gathered to discuss the researches and co
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