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Main » 2010 » January » 30 » Russian writing exists some tens thousand years
8:11 PM
Russian writing exists some tens thousand years
Leaning against researches which professor Chudinov has described in the book "Sacred stones and pagan temples of ancient Slavs", by itself the conclusion that Russian - one of the most ancient languages on the Earth and one of pillars of all languages arises. It is possible to name results of these researches without any exaggeration sensational and capable in a root to change modern representations about history of the Euroasian countries and influence of ancient culture of Slavs on all European (and, possibly, to all world) a civilisation.

  Interview to professor Valery Alekseevichem Chudinovym

- Your opening are very serious, they are absolutely beaten out from this understanding of history to which we have got used...

Is only a part of the big plan. And the creative plan at me - to prove that slavic writing and first of all Russian writing exist, at least, some tens thousand years. Now I write other book, it will be conditional to be called "Russian inscriptions of the Stone Age". If in this book me stones and temples there I investigate inscriptions on animals interested. You know, what in caves of France it is a lot of images of different animals? And when them you start to process skilfully because differently inscriptions are not visible it appears that on a mammoth it is written - "mammoth", and on a horse it is written "дил"! From here there was a Russian word "crocodile". Because the word-formation scheme identical - "corcoviy dil" - a horse from a crust, and a crust - scales. Therefore at us not deformed English or Latin word, and, on the contrary, a Latin word is deformed Russian: was "коркодил", and there was "crocodile".

- Why earlier, to you nobody received similar results, after all for certain researches were spent?

- Really, many researchers undertook problem performance, but they simply sank in lots of the facts. I from them am am distinguished by that I start with existence докирилловской writing as a reality, and not one system of the letter of Slavs, and many from which one, namely syllabic руница, me not only is known for the fact of the existence, but, after its decoding, has given the chance to me to read and understand set of texts. Today I have read them more than one and a half thousand and every month I read on ten new. And now the logic of historical development of the slavic letter began to come to light.

Now abundantly clear that our ancestors within many millenia possessed traditions of the letter which have been rather thought over and on - made - and it when the majority of the European people were not able to write and read.

Inscription on a stone from Valaam

- Improbably. How your colleagues concern your opening scientists?

- The first reaction of people for which results of my researches become known - cannot be! And their surprise can be understood. To scientists it to recognise simply unprofitable is breaks set of stereotypes and the settled sights and not too them pleases, since they say till now that the original letter at Slavs to Cyrillics was not. Therefore also the problem докирилловского letters appears almost scientific heresy, and the defender of similar views is represented the scientific impudent impostor. Therefore outstanding researchers from the decision of this problem have evaded. I too have dared not at once at the publication of the works. Unfortunately the deshifre were not in Russia. It объсняется not only weakness of a domestic science, how many its position: tone Germans, adherents normans in the history set theories on which Russia borrowed Scandinavians not only princes and statehood, but also writing. In general, this problem in my opinion has even a serious political shade since forces to reconsider a place of ancient Slavs in all history.

In all territory from Great Britain to Alaska in the Stone Age there lived Russian

- Leaning against your researches, it is possible to draw a conclusion, what slavic language, so, and Russian - one of the most ancient languages on the Earth?

- While it turns out so but the matter is that I did not mention, say, southern regions of Asia: can be, Chinese - same ancient. But if to take all Eurasia, beginning from Great Britain and finishing even Alaska all this north, really, in the Stone Age was all Russian. There is such impression that Russian was that uniform language about which to Bibles wrote that there was one language before Babel tower construction. Actually, probably, so it also is.

As one my colleague spoke, "we live in the occupied country", and to it very many speaks. Because, if seriously in it to be engaged, it is necessary to reconsider all history. For example, Germen have come on slavic territories in 1 century of our era and began to restrict Slavs. In Germany there were many the slavic names, one Rostock that costs. And here still slavic names - Brandenburg - was called as Branny the Pine forest, that is defensive wood.
At Russian from an official history simply cut off 9 centuries

The Cologne cathedral. A general view of an ark of three magicians

- And how it is proved, what it so, rather the reverse? What was not "бург" at them, and at us, to Russia, "pine forest" earlier?

- First, it is possible to look in the legend - Germen as a nationality of Europe appear in 1 century of our era. They come whence from Asia. The second: it is possible to spend archeological excavations. Such joke was: Hitler when has already started to lose war, has decided to inspire the soldiers, to dig out something in district of Berlin, to tell - here our relics, here to us there lived German peasants. Have dug out - everywhere around slavic settlements.

Well and so, Germen have come in 1 century, they lived quietly some centuries, have not got stronger yet, and in 9-10 century they have started to supersede Slavs "fire and a sword". We will tell, there was a city of Lipsk, they have renamed it in Ljajptsig, Dresden too initially was not Dresden, and something of type of Drozdova. All these cities were slavic, and Germen therefrom have expelled all Slavs. The second phase when gradual germanization of the remained Slavs has begun, Germen have started to ridicule them. We will tell, they wrote type books "Ship of fools" to Renaissance: when you start to read, see - everywhere is written "the Slav, the Slav". All fools - Slavs. It also was the beginning of their moral replacement. And, at last, to take 19 centuries when there is a German historical school. And at this German historical school there are two positions. The first position: who the first has come to Europe, Europe and belongs to that. And the second position: the first Germen have come to Europe. All the rest from here follows. Further - Peter the Great has not lived all year before opening of Academy of sciences. As a matter of fact, the complete set of Academy of sciences was incurred by Catherine II. Russian historical science was headed by three persons - Miller, Bayer, Shletser. What could they tell about Russian science? They and have told - at Russia the statehood in the Middle Ages any was not, they borrowed it Germans. When we start to look - in 9, 10 centuries we already had a statehood, at its Germans yet was not. We could not borrow it them for one simple reason - it there it was not simple.

Writing we, appears, from Germans took. How we could take from them writing if when they have come, writings any at them was not?! Is so-called German руны, but they them took from slavic вендов, and венды took from венедов. And again, that has appeared at Germans - a product of slavic creativity. But Germans all tell all time on the contrary. And they have removed history. Before, in 16 century, not only we, but also Poles Strojakovsky, Belsky accurately write that Russian helped not only to Alexander the Great, but also his father Phillip. Catherine the Great too refers to them, and they write that Russian long before Rjurika had the reading and writing. For the help to Alexander the Great the reading and writing gold has been given them, but it has got to Constantinople, then Constantinople Turks, and Turks have occupied with these documents heated baths, and the reading and writing has been lost. And it is valid, so was, has carried to one Bulgarian ambassador who has at random bought one cart of papers, it has then appeared that it is papers of an ancient Bulgarian kingdom, and they have found to themselves some centuries of hand-written history. Therefore it turns out, even officially that the history Russian is 4th century B.C. (Alexander the Great). But if you take now any textbook of slavic history, to you speak: "Excuse, the earliest is 5 centuries of our era". That is at us 9 centuries simply cut off.

All Eurasia has been occupied not simply by Slavs, and Russian

Forward wall of an ark

- Now take a modern Ukrainian historiography: she writes that the Kiev state was an Ukrainian language, all princes were purely Ukrainian. So after all Ukraine also was not. Ukraine appears only in 16 century. It was the Polish suburb. When the grand duchy Lithuanian has united with Poland, there was Rech Pospolitaja, here then these earths have entered as suburb. In general, Ukraine is an artificial formation. If to follow the Ukrainian historiography Russia has appeared at all since 5 centuries, and with 14. And to us now only 6 centuries. At me such impression is one historical model - any people on the slavic earth come, take this earth, supersede therefrom Slavs fire and a sword, remained translate in the culture, these people start to speak in this language. And after a while there is a room historiography.

- So, can, Russian, Slavs such weak, time someone comes also them supersedes?

- They not weak, they kind.

- And it is possible to consider Ukrainians as Slavs?

- A complicated question. If to judge on Paleolithic inscriptions - there was slavic Fullvoice. I am engaged etrussks, and was found out that etrussk language is a version of the Belarus language. Moreover, on one of mirrorы it is written that they have come from krivichs, and capital krivichs - the city of Smolensk. And other part is polochane from Polotsk. Here who has formed etrussks. They write two words on-etrusski, on-belorusski, and the rest write in Russian! And absolutely accurately it is clear that Fullvoice existed both in antiquity, and in a paleolith, it is inherent also in the Ukrainian language. But in the Ukrainian language "about" passes in "and". In Russian "it", on-ukrainski "wines", in Russian "only", on-ukrainski "тильки". It much more later the phenomenon. It turns out, column a line - Russian, and an Ukrainian language - runaway. And we have kept that ancient basic language. The only thing - at us has appeared Russian "аканье", and in a paleolith we "окали". Also there was a sound "э" which is characteristic for Russian, and before it said, as "е".

- You say, what Latin left Russian?

- As all Eurasia has been occupied not simply by Slavs, and Russian, it is absolutely clear that any people which came, were involved in this culture and first of all in this language. Yaroslav Kesler writes that all Romance languages are simply deformed slavic language. You slightly scrape also receive any European words Russian. In the books I result such examples though them there are thousand.

Киворий churches of Sacred Klimenta in Rome

- You use what sources? How in general there is a process of decoding and reading of ancient texts?

- In last monography "" I result Sacred stones and pagan temples of ancient Slavs more than 200 illustrations of such objects - from stones to temples. On these stones and stone constructions it is possible to see these inscriptions, any interested person can recheck it at certain diligence. The matter is that it is necessary for best contrast to invert black in white colour and on the contrary then inscriptions look much more contrast and easier are read.

In the book I result images of stones and constructions in territory of modern Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Italy.

I will understand surprise and probable mistrust to my words, but I suggest to familiarise with a material at least one this book. It is assured, the reader will be my proofs and the received results of researches completely is satisfied and will open for itself the tremendous world of ancient Slavs.
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