Main » 2009 » December » 28 » Magnetic storms and warm insufficiency
0:59 AM Magnetic storms and warm insufficiency |
Weak magnetic fields, in particular magnetic storms and magnetic field fluctuations before earthquakes, cause the electromagnetic resonant phenomena in an organism which can lead necrotic to changes in fabrics and blood-groove infringements, physicists-theorists from Uzbekistan and Germany working at Incorporated institute of nuclear researches in Dubna situated near Moscow consider.
Now the significant amount of the data testifying to adverse influence of magnetic fields on the person, in particular magnetic storms is saved up. There is data about harmful influence of "an electromagnetic smog" in the cities, generated by set of electric and electronic devices.
However till now there is no the standard theoretical model explaining this influence, authors of research - Zakirzhon Kanokov from National university of Uzbekistan, Jurn Shmeltser (Juern Schmelzer) from university of Rostock (Germany) and Avazbek Nasirov from Institute of nuclear physics (Uzbekistan) write.
"For this reason it is not clear, what characteristics of fields - force, frequency of change, the form of an electromagnetic wave, duration of influence... Are responsible for biological effect", - it is told in article placed in electronic library of Kornellsky university.
In work scientists describe, how weak magnetic and electric fields can influence the natural electric currents caused by movement of ions in biological fabrics. "The basic source of a current in a human body are the charged ions because of which movement there is a current. We used the equation of Lanzhevena for the analysis and have received the interesting decision which consists that if" to include "weak magnetic fields, the resonant effect" is gained, - Kanokov has explained in interview.
As he said, it and its colleagues have calculated size of resonant fields for calcium ions in blood vessels and have established that the magnetic field in some cases suffices for resonance occurrence by force in trillionth shares тесла. "Till now in magnitobiologic there was such problem - why such superweak magnetic fields lead to biological effect, after all energy of this field in thousand times is less, than energy of thermal movements of molecules. Here we have found the decision where because of resonant increase in fluctuations of a current, resonans the magnetic field which creates this fluctuation increases also. Energy becomes more than thermal energy that leads to biological changes in an organism", - Kanokov speaks.
He has added that for capillaries the size of a magnetic field for resonance occurrence has turned out nearby 270-300 mikrotesla that is close to intensity of magnetic storms at high solar activity. "Because of influence weak, an order 200-300 mikrotesla magnetic fields, health because capillaries under the influence of resonant magnetic currents collapse also the basic blood worsens circulates in the big vessels - pressure that leads to a hypertensive crisis, warm insufficiency" increases, - the interlocutor of agency has told.
Каноков has added that at young men capillaries are quickly restored, therefore young are less sensitive to weak magnetic fields. "However at old men restoration processes are slowed down, therefore at them when capillaries perish, the basic stream of blood will pass through large vessels. And at the expense of increase in a stream of blood pressure" increases also, - the scientist has told. He has noticed that now it and its colleagues continue work on influence of magnetic fields in ultralow-frequency ranges. |
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