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Main » 2010 » January » 30 » Small secret for the person
8:24 PM
Small secret for the person
From generation to generation the mankind is set all by the same questions - in what meaning of the life how correctly to live a life, how to realise itself in world around, how to reach happiness, and so on. We have already got used that in this life of answers to these questions we will not receive also secret of a universe and remain for us not opened. By no means – to understand meaning of the life and to realise itself in it it is possible already today. But for this purpose it will be necessary to learn to perceive the world absolutely differently. I also wish to tell about experience of alternative perception of the world or about frequency of consciousness.

The first that is necessary is to feel itself as a part of the boundless Universe, - stop for a minute and imagine that you not the inhabitant of a small planet the Earth, and first of all you the inhabitant of this galaxy, you its integral part, you consist from this substances, as Space surrounding you. You should feel yourselves as the Universe part simply physically. After that mentally stretch imagined threads from your body to all planets of our system, to the centre of our galaxy – as soon as you will make it, you will get out of a captivity of the body – will feel yourself of partial eternity.

The majority of problems of modern mankind – in galactic position - further our planet we also do not look.

Our civilisation has at all forgotten that we - the Universe part. The reason of sufferings and damages our small world – in loss of contact, communication with the big world surrounding us.

Time... Time is not that other, as a rhythm. After you have felt yourselves as the Universe part, you should start to live in harmony with space rhythms. The mankind and earlier perfectly understood it - the prayer of the monk is not that other as adjustment for heavenly (space) rhythms. Reflect for a second - only close our planet tens large space objects rush - each of which moves in the rhythm. Even it becomes clear to person absolutely far from physics that being on this planet, we are subject to influence of rhythms of movement of the Sun, the Moon, planets. On these rhythms even much more powerful are imposed, but the latent rhythms of ours and the next galaxies.

In the opposite direction – there are rhythms of continent, the country, region, a city and even concrete apartment or a ground.

Travelling people have noticed – in each place the perception of the world varies, our consciousness is exposed to influence of local rhythms.
As to "synchronise" the consciousness with world around? Whether there is a way of "adjustment" of consciousness checked up and accessible to any person on frequency of the surrounding Universe?

Yes, such way is available. Scientists have already found out for a long time that irrespective of religious or spiritual traditions frequency of a brain of the healers believing, shamans, psychics during a prayer is synchronised with Schuman's frequency. Having adjusted your consciousness on this rhythm, you we will find harmony with the world surrounding you and can receive knowledge directly from space surrounding you.

The consciousness of each person works on certain frequency. Having changed frequency of consciousness, we will be adjusted on perfect other reality.

When you will reach this condition, you will start to receive the information from world around, but soon you will understand what to express the received knowledge very difficultly, and even it is absolutely impossible. These are so-called "hermetic" knowledge – they represent the information on this or that rhythm and do not give in to the description. This knowledge bears the information as about meaning of the life of the separate person, and all our civilisation. To hand over such information it is possible only having reproduced this or that rhythm – logically to describe words not to go right.

It too most what to try to describe this or that song or a piece of music words - how many you would not describe it, to put into words music to you it will not be possible.
Here therefore suddenly any song becomes a megahit, or this or that literary work wins exclusive popularity – matter is not in logic sense of the information stated in this or that text, and – here this rhythm and contains the higher true which it is impossible neither to transfer in a vibrating component (rhythm), nor to put into words.

Having refused temptation to perceive all logically, you will open for yourselves absolutely other reality – the world of true knowledge. Having adjusted the consciousness on a space rhythm, you will start to be guided in other reality – learn how to perceive it, and how to realise it in world around.

Suddenly to you very simple things become absolutely clear - namely: having felt itself as a part of this huge world at you suddenly completely the fear before death will be gone – you will understand that the world cannot destroy itself. We are afraid of death because we oppose ourselves to this world. Having refused this opposition in our consciousness we will win death. Then you will understand that at everyone reasonable beings in this world are the certain problem.

You will understand what to give, help another is a way привнесения space harmony in our "small" terrestrial world – here it and there is a meaning of the life – to serve as a conductor of the higher knowledge in our world.

Here for this purpose we also are born in it – to execute this hard, but an interesting problem. Unfortunately, for the majority of people it and remains incomprehensible secret - collecting more and more riches, they become more and more unfortunate - and the reason consists that they materialise spiritual, - action contradicting Universe laws. The matter – only a spirit derivative to transform spiritual in material it is possible only for the sake of multiplication spiritual, but in any way it cannot be end in itself. Having tested fleeting pleasure from the received riches, they pursue the same sensation, but to fill themselves they never can - introducing disharmony in this world, they most of all suffer from it. The meaning of the life is concluded in opposite action. This ancient wisdom is very well expressed in a Christian precept «distribute all property and you will have treasure on небесях» - the truth, to comprehend this extremely simple from the galactic point of view true it is given only to units.

Further interesting things will start to occur to you. If you have adjusted the consciousness on space rhythms, you soon will notice that people will start to last to you – your mutual relation with this world becomes more sincere, more filled.

And then you will understand one more very important thought which value cannot be overestimated: having changed the consciousness, you have already changed this world – have made it more kindly, you have handed over received of depths of space the information not in the form of words, and in the form of thin vibrations and it having dissolved in our world, has returned and to you - you too became happier.

Not very well than you are engaged, but in fruits of your activity it will necessarily be shown. Construct the house, write article, play with the child – in a sense each your step becomes sacred, each your action – religious rite. Religious rite it is very simple. Religious rite is when you are a conductor between the worlds. So each of you can become a few god – the messenger spiritual. Here you also will find the happiness in it.

You should understand the most important thing that the deep sense consists not in words, and in the rhythms, which these words transfer. And sense of this article – not in its literal value, and in prisoners in it rhythms. Therefore it is possible to try as much as necessary logically with it to agree or to deny logically it - deep sense it will not mention, as it exists absolutely in other reality, to logic of our world not having any relation. Remember - kindness, happiness, harmony near to us. And we need to give a hand and all it will be given us.

And at last, I wish to reveal to you the most important galactic secret – do not aspire to change this world directly.

It only will lead to increase in it of sufferings. Instead change the private world, the consciousness – thereby you change this external world in the correct way. External revolution changing anything cannot change nothing. Change the world revolution internal, consciousness revolution can only.
Having changed itself you, thereby, have already changed all this world. Good luck to you!
Category: People | Views: 927 | Added by: Elhfi | Rating: 0.0/0
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«  January 2010  »
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