Main » 2010 » January » 14 » Some features of calculations of Majja and modern scientists
12:53 PM Some features of calculations of Majja and modern scientists |
In the history of ancient civilisations, the civilisation of Majja, apparently, has appeared anywhere. This culture has passed through magnificence, and then has mysteriously disappeared. Маjja have reached high development in astronomy, system of a calendar, the difficult mathematics and abstract thought. Accuracy and ideality of their calendar amazes and surprises.
Predictions of Majja have been constructed on their calendar system which was basically, is based on studying the relation between a celestial motion and changes of a society of people. Майя believed that the Solar system will test revolutionary changes after the great cycle will be affected by a galactic beam that means Galactic Synchronization. According to predictions of Majja, in this great cycle there are 13 stages, with the detailed description of evolution of each stage.
According to a calendar of Majja, 1992 is the first year of last period of last stage – 13th stage, last in a great cycle. In a calendar of Majja this last 20 summer period is called the Period of Clarification of the Earth. In this period the Earth will be completely cleared, including hearts of people (this prediction is very similar to predictions of the American Indians). Bad people will be eliminated, good will be kept. After clarification, the Earth leaves a galactic beam and will reach «Galactic Synchronization». According to a calendar of Majja, on December, 31st, 2012, this cycle of a human civilisation will end. A field of it, people will enter into completely new civilisation which is not connected with the present civilisation. In day of a winter solstice, the sun it will be connected to the general point ecleptic a galaxy and equator, creating «a heavenly portal» in «a dark crack» Milky Way that will look, as opening of "a door of heavens» for the Earth (that is mentioned also in Dinastii Sun predictions, a poem «the Poem Tsvetkah of Plum»: «the great door of heavens has opened»).
According to chronology majja, the modern epoch has begun on August, 12th 3114 years BC and Anybody should come to the end on December, 23rd, 2012 AD yet has not explained, whence майя took these dates, and what reasons have induced them to create such difficult systems of readout of time. In 2012 during a December solstice the Sun will appear in the Milky Way zone. Any astronomer can make this simple calculation. The phenomenon consists that when the Sun will appear in this zone, there should be a world updating, its new birth. In a word, the prophecy majja concerns any event which should turn the course of history. One assume that on the Earth there will come a new era — an era of a spiritual enlightenment. Others are inclined to consider that majja predicted a doomsday.
Suddenly exists any it is insignificant small chance, what authors of this prophecy not so superstitious savages? Suddenly they knew something such that not known by us? What if their prediction for date when the Fifth Sun will come to an end, will appear exact? Perhaps, somewhere in terrestrial depths the awful geological accident predicted by wise men majja already ripens...
To trust forecasts майя or not to trust – the private affair of the reader. It is possible and at all from them to wave away: a pier, was for a long time, that is why a lie. But here that is interesting: agency NASA too has seriously attended to approach of 2012. Some time ago many mass-media wrote about the report publication «Threats of space weather: social and economic consequences», prepared NASA together with National academy of sciences of the USA. However, there other date is named: on September, 22nd.
According to the American scientists, on the Sun there will be powerful flashes – they name coronals emissions. The star will cast out an enormous charge of plasma, and it, in turn, will paralyse everything on the Earth that works from an electricity. All power supply systems can fail, and transformers will appear the most vulnerable elements in them. They will fuse for few seconds. Actually, it is all.
In itself корональные emissions will not cause mass lethal outcomes. But their consequences for economy will appear actually irreversible. Only in the USA without the electric power remain more than 130 million persons. Potable water giving will stop, gasoline stations will cease to function, will stop gazo - and oil pipelines. Independent power supply systems in the present state of affairs will not rescue, will work pair-three days, and will stop. There will be problems with storage of products: the refrigerating and freezing equipment will appear disconnected.
By estimates of experts, anyhow the economic paralysis already in the same year will carry away lives of millions people. And on liquidation of the damage put by the Sun at earth dwellers will leave not less than ten years. All problem – in transformers which in any way you will not repair, it is necessary to change only. That in the conditions of full парализации factories-manufacturers completely not simply. |
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