The TV kills the person
Predilection for teleprograms can be dangerous. By estimations of the Australian physicians, each hour daily spent in front of the TV, on one sixth raises risk of death from cardiovascular diseases and on 11 % – total risk of premature death.
About that constant sitting in front of the screen of the TV of health does not add, doctors and even usual people, in the slightest degree the interested medicine, knew for a long time. However to estimate, how much similar pastime is injurious to health, was uneasy: physicians from institute Baker IDI had to survey hardly less 9 thousand patients.
The research, lasting six years, has shown that those who watch TV more than four hours a day, risk not simply to spoil a figure or to plant sight: death rate in this group from cardiovascular diseases has appeared on 80 % above, than at those who spends in front of the telescreen of less than two hours a day. And there is more to come.
As a whole probability of premature death at inveterate televiewers above almost in one and a half time – on 46 %. And if to compare conclusions of doctors with results of the interrogation spent by agency Nielsen Co in 2008 according to which the average American spends 151 hour per month in front of the screen, the picture turns out absolutely unfavourable. A similar story and in Russia: according to interrogation of the analytical centre «Video of Interneshnl» 2003, our compatriots the TV look about three hours a day, and for capital this indicator slightly more low, than for regions.
Also that the most unpleasant, physical exercises are hardly capable to rectify situation – if the person watches TV some hours successively, the effect from playing sports or physical work can be brought to nothing.
Word to protection
It is necessary to notice, however, that the reason of all problems found out by doctors at all in telecasts as those. Evening performance of humorists, a serial or the program of news in itself do not influence health how the immovability influences it during viewing.
According to doctors, the lack of physical activity of televiewers leads to that the organism passes in a mode of the lowered consumption of energy and, hence, utilises less fats. In blood cholesterol and sugar level raises concentration so-called липопротеидов the high density, besides, decreases, named sometimes in the popular literature «good cholesterol» which cleans «bad cholesterol» from blood vessels and at the expense of it reduces risk of formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
From this point of view viewing of teleprograms does not differ at all from work behind the computer or readings of books. However, these kinds of activity were not studied by the Australian researchers.
Unequivocal harm
Earlier doctors more than once found acknowledgement to that the TV is dangerous, and in some cases it kills in a literal sense from one blow and even in the switched off condition. According to conclusions of the American traumatologists, the probability of reception of a trauma at falling of badly fixed technics from tables and cases for last two decades has increased on 40 %. Kids age till four years from the falling TV to evade usually are not in time also blow it is necessary on a head, at later age children already jump aside also it injures feet is more often.
And the included TV as has shown other research, distracts adults from dialogue with kids age about one and a half years. By estimates of the psychologists who have analysed videorecording of behaviour of parents with children in a room with the established TV, the included receiver of telecasts reduces number of references of adults to the child.