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Methods psi protection the PROJECTION and INTELLECTUALIZATION
The projection assumes attributing to associates of various negative qualities as a rationale for their aversion and self-acceptance on this background. ("... All of you here goats, not a couple to me")

Features of protective behaviour in norm: pride, vanity, egoism, rancour, vindictiveness, sensitivity, the vulnerability, the aggravated feeling of injustice, arrogance, ambition, suspiciousness, jealousy, animosities, obstinacy, intractability, intolerance to objections, the tendency to exposure of associates, search of lacks, isolation, pessimism, a hypersensibility to criticism and remarks, insistence to itself and another, aspiration to reach high indicators in activity any kind.

Accent: jamming.

Possible deviations of behaviour: behaviour determined by supervaluable or crazy ideas of jealousy, injustice, prosecution, invention, own ущербности or grandness. At young age it is self-isolation, humiliation of others, and conscious выгораживание itself. In more advanced age if the conflict inside is not resolved the displays of animosities reaching violent acts and murders are possible. (These people should not live and spoil aura of associates) meet a sadistsko-masochistic complex and ipochondriks complex, last on the basis of mistrust to medicine and doctors Less often. "They, goats, in me understand nothing..."


Develops at early teenage age for restraint of emotion of expectation or a prediction from fear to endure disappointment. Formation of the given mechanism can be correlated to the disappointments connected with failures in a competition to some contemporaries or circumstances. Assumes any schematization and interpretation of events for development of feeling of the subjective control over any situation... (I do not know that about it all tell but at me all ОК.) Has next ways: purpose discredit, discredit of a victim, exaggeration of a role of circumstances (that it has turned out, is necessary for me that and тото. But during this moment Mars was in the Aries...), the harm statement in the blessing, reestimation available and favourable self-discredit.

Features of protective behaviour: inability to make the decision, activity substitution "reasoning", self-deception and the self-justification, the expressed dispassionateness, cynicism, the behaviour caused by various phobias, ritual and other persuasive actions.

The diagnostic concept: persistence. ("I will not leave, leave...)
Possible psychosomatic diseases: painful sensations in the field of heart, vegetative frustration, gullet spasms, poliuriya, sexual frustration.
Type of a group role: "a role philosophising, the prophet, the foolish, the know-it-all.".
Category: Another's will | Added by: Elhfi (2009-11-15)
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