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It is interesting, why the Lord so regularly frightens people of a Last
Judgement? If it will be, and if everyone lives on enclosed in it the
Lord what for to have legal proceedings? There is a thought: who we
such: slaves or creations of Gospodni? If slaves, that, excuse, the
slave is not free in the thoughts and actions; if creations, they
allies of the founder for are constructed on its image and similarity.
What for constantly to frighten the similarity.
Studying the Bible, I have paid attention that the Lord regularly repeats to the people to Izrailev necessity to be afraid It.
growing |
Views: 1007 |
Added by: Elhfi |
Date: 2009-11-15
In our world of theorems and proofs we necessarily should identify the
perception with already known, learn, as them to perceive and by that
"tightly" to fix the image of the world. As a matter of fact is a
management of perception.
Now I can already tell that modern schools put before themselves an
accurate problem: formation of the citizen necessary to a society.
Everything, like, correctly, only here this citizen "is moulded"
violently. The children's imagination is not accepted seriously and
when bothers real thinking, is expelled away. After that parents and
simply adult are surprised, why children become isolated and lose
interest to the further knowledge. That is why that they are prepared
by «hundred roads of trades» and offer a choice, one of them. Actually,
the choice becomes for them for a long time already. When children
break on classes, and exceptional children study in conditional
"average" only that parents do not have means. Division on classes is
necessary, but not thus. |
By the way, about toys … You
never paid attention that in Russian culture of a doll is always
dolls-children. From small children, to children of middle age. The most popular doll of the West – Barbie's Doll. A doll representing quite adult individual. If
our native toys develop at the future mums skills of care of juvenile
children which skills will develop at girls game with Barbie's doll?
You never reflected on it? |
Recognising that the person it is instinctively located to competitive
struggle for a survival, conditions to support the given instincts at
level of the weak aggression capable to an instant increment of
potential are created. |
is the phenomenon, as a rule, mass. After all for do to pipol, the
partner at least is necessary to the person. And it is even better,
when for this purpose there is a suitable environment: set of the
liberated girls and young men, husbands and the wives, changing to the
spouses. Then the sin becomes mass, as though and is imperceptible.
With free sex one person, and a society as a whole "is ill" not. It is
enough to include the TV to understand: it also occurs to us. |