"Free" love and cleanliness of blood
is the phenomenon, as a rule, mass. After all for do to pipol, the
partner at least is necessary to the person. And it is even better,
when for this purpose there is a suitable environment: set of the
liberated girls and young men, husbands and the wives, changing to the
spouses. Then the sin becomes mass, as though and is imperceptible.
With free sex one person, and a society as a whole "is ill" not. It is
enough to include the TV to understand: it also occurs to us.
From the beginning of 90th years in our territory the behavioural
revolution made on the western samples purposefully is carried out. Its
target sector — teenagers and youth from 12 till 25 years. The
marketing choice is faultless. But it is inexpressibly immoral. Sexual
stimulus — an indispensable accessory of the mass-media which are
carrying out advancement of "alternative" rock executors, subcultural
currents, holidays, concourses-parties.
The uniform standard of erotic and pornographic themes, waves running
across of newspapers in magazines and telecasts, has captured all
country. Sex penetrates the subjects which have got to its field, signs
and themes, causing almost continuous sexual excitation in consumers of
information services which demands immediate satisfaction. The failed
ideas of psychoanalysts about an abstention irreparable harm in an
early age and terrible incurable illnesses as a consequence of a sexual
dissatisfaction are imposed to a society for a long time. Absence of
sexual experience becomes indecent.
The situation in which sex propagation involves the teenager, is
dramatic. Practice of foreign and domestic psychologists and
psychiatrists testifies to extreme vulnerability and intensity of
mentality of awkward age (delirium of a physical defect, psihopation,
growth of level of uneasiness etc.).
Sex propagation urges the teenager to plunge into pleasures of
impersonal sex, holding back much. More often the first opener
disgust and a shock waits. Together with physiological details such
roles about which the teenager and did not suspect emerge. But
newspapers, magazines, TV continue to encourage it. The teenager who
has become by a victim of sex propagation, conducts a
randomly-senseless sexual life which any more in forces to stop, visits
"parties" and tries drugs.
The American researchers speak about feeling of misfortune,
disappointment, dissatisfaction which tests to 30 % teenager,
conducting a sexual life. The part from them suffers sexual
frustration, others realise that them "used" and plunge into depression.
According to the same researchers in the West teenagers, before others
showing sexual activity, start to take alcoholic drinks and drugs in
the following ambassador of sexual contact to year (especially it
concerns women).
It is revealed that high level of sexual activity of the American
teenagers is significantly connected with such criminal actions, as
stealing of motor vehicles, thefts, violence.
In this connection the research spent by department of police and
national education in Fullertone, the State of California (USA), in
March, 1998 is of interest Here its data:
■ the Basic problems at school in 1940
1. Pupils talk during lessons.
2. Ruminate.
3. Rustle.
4. Run on corridors.
5. Do not observe turns.
6. Put on not by rules.
7. Litter in classes.
■ the Basic problems at school in 1998
1. The use of drugs.
2. The alcohol use.
3. Pregnancy.
4. Suicides.
5. Rapes.
6. Robberies.
7. Beatings.
Comments, as they say, superfluous.
It is necessary to underline only that these metamorphoses have
occurred for incomplete 50 years, during burst in the West, and now and
at us, sexual revolution.
Sex propagation directly is connected with a problem of advancement of
drugs. To increase demand for drugs, it is necessary to ship the person
in a depression condition. Therefore sexual anomalies are encouraged,
and the child-bearing is mentioned exclusively in a context of
protection and, certainly, there is no speech about personal sexual
love in the conditions of a family. This turn would mean undesirable
loss of clients.
Sex propagation receptions in any mass-media same:
■ use of the pornography which are given out for sexual enlightenment, as the stimulus causing an unconditioned reflex;
■ distribution девиантных stereotypes of sexual behaviour (distortions,
homosexuality, instant pairing at the first acquaintance), as modern
sexual cultural norm for the fashionable "advanced" people.
The sex propagation purpose: introduction of the depersonalized teenage sex.
The myths supported by propagation of sex for the young:
1. A sexual life of the teenager — the universal phenomenon.
2. Teenagers wish to be trained in a technique and the technician of a sexual life.
The pornography appears in an image of psychosexual hygiene, AIDS and even moral preventive maintenance.
The maintenance of answers to readers of regular advisers of magazine
in a heading «Intimate conversation» reflects following installations:
«to Copulate at once as it will want», «If the girl not in mood, be
persevering, and she will want».
Other letters show results of such "educational" work:
«I so have not enough years, and I wish to die! The matter is that I on
the second month of pregnancy and very much am afraid to do abortion.
Who the father of the child — I do not know. I have absolutely got
confused. I drink much and, besides, couple of months tried drugs back.
No, I will not become the addict! But parents have turned out me,
having learnt about all it. I also could not think that the such can
happen! I have absolutely got confused. How to me to be? Аня, 14 years.
Moscow» (COOL №52. 1997г.).
«Having analysed the relations with men, I have come to a conclusion
that I am a frigid woman. Seven partners for 4 years — and neither
classical sex, nor passionate, sexual caresses, bodies,
kisses. I obviously do not raise them as the woman, they do not want me
— perhaps, see through that I frigide. Just in case I specify age of my
partners: 29 years (to me was 14), 13 and 20 years (to me was then 15),
23 and 45 years (to me was 16), 26 and 29 (to me was 17). I ask, din
that with me. Katya, 18 years» («AIF Love» №15, 1999).
It is terrible to read such letters to people with normal mentality.
And if also to consider that disease of a syphilis at children and
teenagers has increased in tens times, only 3 % of teenagers are almost
healthy. There is a growth of epidemic of AIDS, a narcotism.
And here to be responsible for this sin it is necessary all together.
The history reminds us: when the society becomes corrupted to a limit,
here then terrible wars begin, there are the most awful natural
accidents, mass deadly illnesses extend. Examples — destruction of
Sodom and Gomorrah, falling of the Roman and Israeli kingdoms, epidemic
бубонной plagues in Europe and Asia XIV centuries, AIDS epidemic
already today. And a tsunami in the well-known vacation spot where all
world goes behind the most immoral sexual adventures, probably, the
phenomenon from the same series. About it hesitate to speak, but many
Unfortunately, the world does not study on the errors, and now on the
earth the condition "preceding a storm" again reigns. People still do
not consider free sex by a sin. On the contrary, the considerable
quantity of sexual partners and sexual experience are considered as
advantage! The girl hastens to leave virginity somewhat quicker. And
the word "chastity" is already perceived with irony.
On all leaves that if so will proceed, it is necessary to wait for war. Or still it is more terrible than something.
Any people in case of non-observance of morals and nature laws are
doomed to full degradation and self-destruction. Proofs of this
phenomenon in a XIX-th century were resulted by the famous in the world
scientist Lombrozo investigating genealogical "books" of many known and
simple people. It has proved that positive characteristics of parents
(especially intellectual and spiritual) are descended in ready smaller
degree, than negative. Moreover, the last are transferred, including
illnesses, in progressing forms. results many examples of a
total disappearance of noble families only for two centuries. So, from
487 families ranked as the Bern bourgeoisie, remains only 168. Thus to
disappearance there were mainly those surnames which
members married the notable successors who had more than enough time
for entertainments, including, and on the sexual. And such examples
confirming communication of different forms of dissoluteness with a
birth of defective posterity, a large quantity.
America, having disdained moral and natural laws, has received the
degeneration phenomena in frightening scales. Mass-media often result
examples of a full and safe life in America, hold up as an example,
so-called, «the American image» lives. Many young men aspire to
America, including it almost terrestrial "paradise". Whether And so it?
America sets the brightest example of depravity of customs, where to 30
% of the population of homosexuals and lesbians. One addicts of 55
million decline Picture are supplemented with other figure: for various
reasons half of able-bodied population on age here does not work. But
especially impresses intellectual decline: half of adult population not
in a condition to write letters to the USA, 44 million adult Americans
are not capable to count up, how many money is spent for purchases in a
supermarket, to compare a difference in cost of products, to receive
the information from the text on an underside of the elementary form.
Today in America, according to the famous in the world of doctor Kinsi,
37 million Americans require the psychiatric help. It is more than half
of all hospital cots in the USA insane persons occupy. Therefore also
there was in America a demand for virgins, has come to rescue time the
But population degeneration has concerned not only Americas. In the
XX-th century beginning on the earth there were 20 % of the white
population, and for today — only 6,8 % from 6 billion population.
The degeneration reason — infringement of laws RITA. Actually, "RITA"
is the Fleeces, designating the code of laws about cleanliness of a
sort and blood. The purpose of these laws — to follow nature laws, not
to contradict them, not to break them, protecting, thereby, the
Childbirth from degradation. To follow Laws RITA means that everything
that god and the nature in the person has created, all is natural and
harmonious for existence, and any deviation in something from Laws Rita
inevitably, sooner or later, will lead to deterioration of the Sort and
even to its degeneration.
Now for a designation of Laws RITA is used the Greek name — telegoniya.
This word as though is not known to a modern science. It not to find in
dictionaries. Nevertheless, the word does not exist, and the phenomenon telegoniya is in an objective reality.
The word «telegoniya» occurs on behalf of son Odysseus - Telegona.
According to a myth, Telegon, Odysseus son from the Pick, having gone
to search for the father, has landed on Itaka and in casual fight has
mortally wounded Odysseus not knowing about it. Thus, Odyssey has
ruined accident, and also ignorance about the son born far from it. And
the word «telegon» occurs from Greek «born far from the father».
Now for a designation of Laws RITA is used the Greek name — telegoniya
(telegenius). The phenomenon telegoniya for modern mankind was found
out"in a XIX-th century in England by Charles Darvina's friend lord
Marton who under the influence of the friend has decided to be engaged
in biology. It has crossed a thoroughbred English mare to a
stallion-zebra. Posterities it has not turned out, but then, after a
while, when Marton has crossed the same mare to an English stallion,
the mare has brought zherebyonochka -"Englishman", but with obvious
signs of strips on a croup, as at a zebra. Lord Marton named this
phenomenon telegoniya.
Charles Darvina's contemporaries professors Flint and Ladentek were one
of the first researchers telegoniya. They have spent set of experiences
on birds and animals. Professor Felix Ladentek has in detail described telegoniya in the book «the Individual, evolution, a heredity and
Existence telegoniya any dog breeder or разводчик can confirm pigeons.
If a thoroughbred dog though time to tie with a dog-mongrel, at it
already never will be thoroughbred puppies, even from other dung. And
if the thoroughbred dog converges with underbred suka in the future
and from it there will be no thoroughbred posterity! The same occurs at
any other animals. For example, if the simple pigeon "has trampled"
thoroughbred to the pigeon, her at once kill, because even at the most
"elite" spouse at it not thoroughbred baby birds — «chigraschi» — that
feathers at the tail-end, colour of a beak with defects, still
something will be born. In general — the waste goods, breed dirty.
Till 1960th years scientists of the different countries had been spent
set of researches in which it has been established that the effect telegoniya extends and on people. According to the phenomenon telegoniya
the first man in a life of the virgin leaves the image of spirit and
blood. All subsequent men give to the woman only a seed, but she gives
birth to children of the first man who have given to her an image of
spirit and blood for many long years. And it has appeared that are
inherited not only external the signs first sexual partner, but, in
certain cases, and its illness, in particular, venereal, mental
diseases etc. In 24th chapter of the book «the Individual, evolution, a
heredity and Neodarvinists» which is called: «Telegonija, or the phenomenon of the first the male», Felix Ladentek does a far-reaching
conclusion:« Not only the first male has influence on the future
posterity, but also any male who has impregnated mother earlier... And
the child who was born from the woman which had children from different
lovers earlier, can have signs from all these previous fathers!»
If conception of the child was preceded by sexual relations of his
mother with one or more partner besides the father on a flesh even if
contraceptives in the course of copulation there was a merge of
biofields of partners were thus used. As a result of it the child born
by such woman, except the father on a flesh from which he has inherited
half of chromosomal complement, has still a set of fathers on telegoniya
from which he can inherit much at biofield level.
Many children are born far from the fathers. But even more children is
born "in the distance" from fathers on телегонии, as a natural tribute
to casual communications of mother with these fathers till a birth of
the child. Probably, it is no casual to this phenomenon the name on
behalf of son Odysseus — Telegona is given. Telegoniya as the biofield
phenomenon, it is dangerous not only to posterity, but also for
parents: in the children fathers and mothers can not learn themselves,
and children, on the contrary, will feel strangers in relation to
parents. Can be inherited not only external signs of sexual partners,
but also their any illnesses.
Therefore it is not necessary to be under a delusion as regards sexual
entertainments with the use резинотехнических products are safe for
health of the subsequent generations. Certainly, they reduce chances to
catch venereal diseases and AIDS, certainly that if they are
serviceable, conception becomes impossible. But, it is proved that at
conception not all genetic information is transferred from the man to
the woman in a chromosomal complement сперматозоидов, the most part of
the genetic information is transferred through a biofield. This
exchange — bilateral.
Trace from the first copulation — the brightest. However, biofields of
partners, co-operating among themselves the fragments in an organism of
the woman, influencing posterity, "are at war" among themselves not
co-ordinated sites. And "wins" the strongest site of a biofield which,
finally, and is responsible for genetics of the future child. But such
"victory" depends at all on a power power of a site of this or that
previous partner, from true mother and the father, their
intentions on the future: whether have risen on a way of true,
whether there was a previous fornication from ignorance.
The medicine understands nothing how to clear a biofield of the loose
woman (if she thinks again) from all scraps genetic information that in
it have poured in set of carefree lewd humanoid males having a good
time with it which too not to avoid dusten the biofields from
set of loose women.
Certainly, to men not to give birth, but the information from all
partners settles in organisms of men and is transferred to children
through the woman-mother. It influences mentality of the man, its
health, both physical, and spiritual: the mismatch of the biofield
information received by it from set of sexual partners, can lead to the
most unexpected consequences, up to self-destruction of the man, not
managed to consult with the inconsistent mentality to a schizophrenia.
Chromosomal complement in all cages of an organism — same. However
liver cages differ from cages of nervous system and muscular fabrics,
as well as all cages in compliance with the accessory reproduce similar
according to the plan of the general arrangement of bodies and systems
in an organism. There is an opinion that the general arrangement of
bodies and systems is written down not in the structures of molecules
of the chromosomal device storing mainly the information on synthesis
of substances of a biomass of an organism, and in structures of
biofields (in genetics this question is not shined). Therefore in a
structure of an organism of the child mutual discrepancy each other the
various information modules inherited by it from different fathers on telegoniya can be expressed: asymmetry in an arrangement of bodies and
systems of its body, redundancy or shortage of bodies.
As soon as it became scientifically established, all researches and
publications on a problem telegoniya have been coded, a science about telegoniya have tabooed. After all scientifically to confirm that
mankind degeneration is result of an immoral life, would mean a shock
for all people and wreck of principles of a modern civilisation.
Naturally, at the theory telegoniya the uncountable set of opponents
which try to prove that telegoniya is a delirium what to reckon it is
not to respect itself and the pleasures. The majority of them are the
people of a mafia interested in prosperity of the industry of a
pornography and paid sex, finally — in people destruction. Therefore
for them it is more profitable, if children continue to study the
harmful program «family Planning» and similar to it.
The classical genetics has refused to explain telegoniya at people. But
in the end of the XX-th century opening of the known biochemist, the
Nobel prize winner on physiology and Stanley Pruzinera's medicine has
allowed to look at old theories in a new fashion. It has appeared that
transfer of the hereditary information occurs not only through chemical
structure of genes. The information is transferred from fiber to fiber.
In 1985 the employee of Institute of physicotechnical problems АН the
USSR Dr.Sci.Biol. Peter Garjaev at studying of a molecule of a heredity
of DNA by a method of laser spectroscopy has found out strange effect.
Once Garjaev, having removed some spectra, has taken out a test tube
from DNA from the device and by a carelessness has inserted there an
empty test tube. Has decided to replace it, but, casually having looked
at the device display, has found out that spectra of an empty test tube
were very similar that before it acted in film from DNA, only signal
level was less. Having decided that on a test tube there were DNA
traces, it has replaced it on ideally pure. Result — the same!« I have
been shocked, — the researcher tells, — the laser beam met any
invisible structures which have got stuck in a spectrometer which
contained the information on molecules heredity ». To be
convinced that all it not an error, have diligently wiped
branch and even have blown its pure nitrogen. Then characteristic DNA
spectra have disappeared, but in 3-4 minutes have again arisen. It
seemed, they cannot be destroyed! Year Peter Garjaev made these
experiments. Eventually, does not remain any doubts: after DNA removal
in the device there is any phantom — an invisible material trace of
molecules of DNA.« Now imagine, — makes comments on the opening
Garjaev, — if the first man has physical affinity with the girl it,
obviously, leaves wave "autograph" on all life on its genetic code, and
it on it is too ». This version truthfully explains paradoxes of a
Under the certificate of the director of the Swedish institute of
molecular biology of Artuva Mingrejma scientists of this institute
carried out the comparative analysis of DNA of the same people during
the different periods of their life. It was thus found out that the
woman after the delivery in DNA has appreciable changes. More detailed
researches have shown that it has genes of the father of its child.
Still the Swedish scientists have found out that bearing in itself of
DNA chain gianuluronovaya the acid which is in man's mucous allocation,
during affinity gets in eddses where are stored egg a cage, and takes
root into them. Thus, the woman, without having become pregnant at all,
will bear in itself egg a cage which chains of DNA of all its previous
sexual partners will be built in, and will transfer to the future
posterity their genes along with genes of the father.
Possibly, the next years the phenomenon telegoniya will be definitively
solved and is completely scientifically well-founded. For now the life
throws up eloquent examples. As the modern proof of the phenomenon of
"the first male» transfer display in 2000 «My family» serves. To us
have told, how the slavic woman originally lived with the Negro, and
then has married the Slav and has given birth to it to the first-born
who had black colour of a skin. The TV has presented it as a miracle.
The modern life does women by victims of libertinism and
permissiveness, frequently they appear humiliated, offenden and
deceived. But responsibility for it falls and on a strong half of
mankind for the normal woman always waits at heart for the hero in whom
searches for a reliable support for the future family. Besides the
woman as "matrix" gives rise to that absorbs. Without moral husbands
cleanliness of a sort, blood, a family not to keep, and even the virgin
without cleanliness of the man will not give a healthy heredity.
For a victory over forces of a degeneration the big educational work
among youth and parents about a family where the man and the woman, so
various on the functions, are simultaneously uniform in creativity of
construction of the space of love, a birth and education of the
posterity healthy physically is necessary and is moral.
Chastity — not a sign of backwardness from "the civilised" world, and a
sign of the true civilisation going from time immemorial. It is the
realised care of normal genetics of the future generations, maybe,
tradition unconscious, but expressing the same public care. They were
stimulus to that many generations since ancient times brought up in
children valid and a solicitous attitude to the virginity which
preservation to the introduction into the first to marriage of the
majority of the people was considered in the past of one of moral major
and ethical "values" of a public significance value.
So at the slavic people creation of beneficial posterity was a main
objective of creation of a family. A family are seven knees "I". It I
and my ancestors: the father, the grandfather, and the
great-grandfather, and for me — my descendants: the son, the grandson
and the great-grandson. Thus, a family are seven generations "I",
living one amicable tribal community. The word "Union" is a modified
word-combination «About (joint) Bonds». Thus, the Matrimony is a
community of loving each other people which are connected among
themselves by the joint bonds binding seven generations of a sort of
the husband and its relation with the spouse.
The purpose of creation of the Matrimony — execution of a debt before
comes. If a newly-married couple does not set as the purpose of the
joint life execution of a debt before it come, they do not enter a
matrimony, and are limited to a marriage. The word-combination tells
"marriage" for itself. The conclusion is a deprivation of will
(prison). Marriage is an infringement of integrity and primary quality
something, whether it be a family or a car detail. The young pairs
brought up by an ignorant modern society do not enter Matrimonies for
execution of a debt before it come, and limit itself to a marriage.
Unless somebody from a newly-married couple reflects on the main
condition of creation of a family — virginities of the bride? On slavic
precepts the first man at the woman leaves an image of spirit and blood
some kind of. It means that the husband not virgins, giving it the
seed, will provide an embodiment on the earth of souls of children not
from the, and from another's sort of its first man. It means that it
will bring up children with souls of another's sort, but will not
prolong the. Here to you and the reason of a problem of fathers and
children! There and then becomes obvious and the answer to a question
of the father to the son: «And in whom you at me such were born»?
Certainly, in that villain who has deprived of virginity his mother!
Why villain?
First, because virginity has taken away, and a marriage has not given.
Secondly, because has not prolonged the sort by means of this virgin.
Thirdly, because has ruined family happiness of the thrown girl. After
all even if she will marry another and will give birth to it to
children, the husband will ask sooner or later a question: «And in whom
you at me such were born»?
Fourthly, because has deprived of other men of possibility to prolong the sort by means of the virgin spoilt by it.
Fifthly, because «the Apple from an apple-tree far does not fall» and
from a vagrant dog-mongrel thoroughbred puppies will not be born, so,
in another's families as little cuckoos, on light can be born spiritual
villains similar to it.
Such villains to themselves sign a karmic sentence: «That has sown, you
will reap»! To marry it, as a rule, it is necessary on not virgins and
on a private experience to comprehend "pleasures" of home life with
alien the wife and children.
Therefore it is important to inform to people the truth that new
generations of young men did not repeat errors of the parents. And
their parents in such families would find in themselves courage to
accept this information and to do the utmost on preservation of own
families and families of children.
And we will not repeat the errors made, frequently, on ignorance of
laws of ancestors, and also because of imposing and rooting of "sexual
revolution», come to us from the West more.
However, which we have lost because of spiritual trouble and a
genocide, consists also that, concluding marriage instead of the
Matrimony, a newly-married couple loses mutual spiritual gifts which
spouses who have established a family for the sake of sort prolongation
exchange. What it for spiritual gifts?
At the first matrimonial affinity the husband allocates the wife-virgin with five gifts:
1. A genital seed with images of spirit and blood some kind of;
2. Energy of one year of the life;
3. Motherhood gift;
4. A female share;
5. Love and protection of the and some kind of.
Having awarded the spouse with a genital seed with images of spirit and
blood some kind of, having given energy of one year of the life,
spouses открывает in it motherhood gift — boundless fidelity and care
of a family, the husband and children. Granting to the young spouse a
female share, the spouse helps it to open its patrimonial memory. After
disclosing of patrimonial memory in the young spouse wisdom of her
mother, the grandmother, the great-grandmother etc. wakes up. She
starts to know intuitively as as it is better to make for creation of a
family harmony.
The husband necessarily should open patrimonial memory at the spouse.
If it not in forces to make it, means, it has not taken place yet as
the high-grade man.
Not only the husband gives to the wife spiritual gifts, but also the
wife presents the husband with the gifts. Not casually after all in the
people say that the man does the girl by the woman, and the woman does
the young man by the man. All is interconnected. The woman not only
receives energy from the man, but also opens in it possibility to
become главою some kind of. The father exchanges spiritual gifts with
In the modern world many men do not know about patrimonial foundations
that creates in their home life. Frequently they look at women
only from positions of the sexual satisfaction. Such men behave not as
men, and is simple as males. The women who have not received man's
spiritual gifts, are not allocated by female qualities, therefore they
behave not as women, and as females.
At biped males and females in relations all is reduced to sexual
satisfaction of the instincts. For this purpose they also conclude
marriage. Who and concerning what triumphs at a modern marriage? The
picture is clear: on a marriage celebration trade all! The groom — the
surname and a registry office stamp in the passport, the bride — a
body, parents — a dowry, and visitors — feeling of own importance and
degree of participation in this drunk frenzied acting. Unites all of
them one: they trade in marriage.
Unique force which can counteract it is our desire to resist to
ignorance and obscurantism revelry. For this purpose all of us should
restore spiritual bases of a family and prolongation of a sort on the
basis of the truth about foundations of the ancestors. Each people
should live according to a heritage of the ancestors, executing their
precepts and customs.
It is time to understand that the person has not simply come on the
earth, it is its spiritually-moral examination. We should sustain it
with honour.
So we will apply to themselves ancient rules:
Category: growing | Added by: Elhfi (2009-11-15)
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