Terrible victim for the Lord
It is interesting, why the Lord so regularly frightens people of a Last Judgement? If it will be, and if everyone lives on enclosed in it the Lord what for to have legal proceedings? There is a thought: who we such: slaves or creations of Gospodni? If slaves, that, excuse, the slave is not free in the thoughts and actions; if creations, they allies of the founder for are constructed on its image and similarity. What for constantly to frighten the similarity. Studying the Bible, I have paid attention that the Lord regularly repeats to the people to Izrailev necessity to be afraid It. The main strategy of the Lord is prompting of fear not only on the people submitting to It, but also on people unfamiliar, whose earths it can to transfer to Israelis. What for barbarous methods? Or those, other people, too were guilty before the Lord because did not know, what it is? Even those who supposed a little bit of doubt in forces of the Lord, a life as it has occurred to Aaron and Moiseem who have dared to doubt that in desert water from a rock can begin to flow lost. Thus the Lord dares to tell that pipes will be created by people that when they in them will begin to trumpet, he has recollected about them, about people, and has turned to them a face. Means, the Lord can such allow itself, and people are not present? How it is possible to speak about clemency when the Lord allows to kill at capture of Hanaansky cities everything living in him, including women and children? When it kills first-borns of Egypt? When allows to buy people and to turn them into slavery? All this tactics is similar to a total establishment of the power in certain territory that, actually, and is described in the Outcome, Numbers and Vtorozakonii. People, how many it is possible to be afraid and live in fear? Really it is not clear, what the fear deprives of own will and subordinates to other, stronger reason? If people are afraid and further, more and more Gospodov will come to the Earth and to announce itself as about the only thing correct, to give signs of the present and false coming. We will wait or will live? And still, it is not necessary to be afraid of that occurs in planetary and system scales. It is necessary to aspire to understand changes and not to jump aside from them, rescuing itself precious, and to participate in them, to gain experience. And that turns out that the elite without superfluous difficulties, an even path will reach a light kingdom, and others, guilty, alas, cannot. But about what then Unity then it is possible to speak, if you bring already now such terrible victim! There is nothing more terribly, than to offer the brother, the friend for the sake of more "light". The same that you have described as change on a planet and in Solar system will take place, and it is better to us to pay more steadfastly now to this attention, instead of emotional concerning high фонов radiations, pushes and any investigatory indicators. The Reason not in it. |
Category: growing | Added by: Elhfi (2009-11-15)
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