The arrived lose abilities
To continue conversation, it is necessary to return to posts about Palaces-creators. Remember? Sense of the Palace – reproduction of a wave matrix. Than more poorly communication of the created Spirit with the matrix, especially it is astable in environment. The body is than other as the stabilising cover recreating structure of an initial matrix, but already in more primitive, rough form. The metabolism of such system naturally is not durable. If to transfer reproduction functions to such organism the metabolism will even more be accelerated, and life cycle will decrease. It is necessary to search for answers that from itself the system reproduction represents the person. Not casually now it is the taboo subject statements about which are considered indecent, trite etc. Not casually there is also "lowering" of this concept. Under certificates various mythology races of reasonable beings of that time really possessed much other abilities and possibilities, than the present people. And, most likely, these functions have been connected with the same metabolism. The system of an exchange reasonable beings means presence of such abilities. Therefore now at the modern population of a planet simply is not present and there can not be such abilities as their metabolism does not allow to have them. Drugs and other psychotropic drugs allow to break a habitual metabolism and then at people visions, displays of unusual abilities begin for short time. But it only for short time. Further all disappears, but there is a desire. The desire forms dependence. Dependence generates "zombie" - completely operated being without the will. Look around, the large quantity of people sits on these most psychotropic preparations which use is widely advertised. It is interesting that it in parallel and is condemned. The last – a usual course of the paradox, called to generate ring judgement and to transform it into a rule. It also caused the conflict. Newcomers too differed from natives. Shift attempts in a metabolism current have led to strongly pronounced dependences therefore there was an expressed division, an inequality. Not money and not riches, and desire to be Another were its reason. Gradually this desire was transformed to desire of the power, objectively-subjective management similar. Possibilities have replaced money, and we have received known ekonomichesko-political model. Causes affection of diligence of historians to retouch obvious not joining in the history of known for system of relations as entirely generated by the person. There were then gods – the same governors, only already with wings and sparkling gold and silver. They have exchanged that was their part for them. Therefore in the Bibles, which text does not concern linearity of time, it is told and about it as caution. But composers have not considered true influence of riches. |
Category: Another's will | Added by: Elhfi (2009-11-15)
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