The fear
The fear – a psihologichesko-emotional condition of the person at which functions of a resonance with an environment practically stop, and management of them is transferred to environment sources. It is a question about so-called «remote mental management» an individual (in abbreviated form DPU). DPU it is formed consistently in different age and social groups. As basis ДПУ inability of an individual to independence, desire to learn serves independence. That is, it is a question of combination information with spiritual and physiological requirements. As by the nature the person is initially open system ready to dialogue and formation the first stages DPU mean use kritic paradoxes when the criterion of the information disappears in an information field of other criterion in the strengthened potential. Thus, opening initial criterion, the person (and more often the child) faces a critical resonance of an information field to which it appears more often, is not ready. Structure DPU is usually formed in two main principles: information blockade (with amplifying pressure), active information intrusion. The first forms the necessary emotionally-mental background, the second provides the control and the set management. Activity of the second structure is finishing and long-term simultaneously. Necessary correction of a resonant field of an individual which starts to react only in the set areas comes to the end. The consciousness and reason start to perceive a situation as by itself understood and further DPU proceeds practically from the full consent of an individual. However, here it is not necessary to speak about an individual. |
Category: Another's will | Added by: Elhfi (2009-11-15)
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