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Main » 2010 » April » 6 » Dwarfs lived on the Earth 1 million years ago
11:26 PM
Dwarfs lived on the Earth 1 million years ago
Round remains of dwarfs growth about 1 m also it is powerful 25 kg which immediately have received a nickname "hobbits", here a sixth year serious passions boil. Their bones have been found out in 2004 on island Flores in Indonesia. These small people lived there about 20 000 years ago, that is simultaneously with Homo sapiens. They had a tiny brain - 380 sm3 as at a chimpanzee, but despite this lack they were skilful masters. Perfect enough stone tools have been found in a place of their burial place. Authors of a unique find have specified in similarity of "hobbits" with arhantrops (Homo erectus). In their opinion, "hobbits" most likely are crushing descendants arhantropov, lodged on island more 800 thousand years ago. This point of view was from the very beginning represented to the most well-founded.
However other versions were offered also. Some researchers, for example, supposed that Homo floresiensis has occurred not from erectusov, and from more archaic gominid - the Australopithecuses which rests are known till now only from Africa. Others in general asserted that "hobbit" was simply unusually ugly representative H. sapiens, suffering microcefal in the heavy form. Discussion proceeded to this day. But here there was new data on business of ancient inhabitants of island Flores.
Scientists investigated age of the stone tools belonging to dwarfs - primitive plates with the sharp party more carefully. The radiometric analysis spent on atoms of an element of argon, collected in a layer of earth in which archaeological certificates disappeared, has shown: "hobbits" lived on island 1 million years ago, that is on 200 thousand years earlier, than was considered till now, informs National Geographic.
As process of colonisation of island Flores meant very difficult for people, at that point in time time, a crossing through sea waters, scientific believe that resettlement of people happens only once that is why those who has left these stone tools and are ancestors of "hobbits".
In connection with the new archaeological data, the most perspective candidates for a role of the first immigrants representatives of a kind of the person orthograde as scientists precisely know still are that this kind already colonized Indonesia 1,8 million years ago. At the same time, the primitive anatomy of dwarfs specifies that their ancestors could be and ancestors of the person orthograde: the person skilful or at all the Australopithecus.

If this hypothesis proves to be true (researches still proceed) it will mean that the person orthograde was far not the first kind gominid, managed to leave limits of Africa and to be settled on a planet.

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