Main » 2010 » April » 06
Round remains of dwarfs growth about 1 m also it is powerful 25 kg which immediately have received a nickname "hobbits", here a sixth year serious passions boil. Their bones have been found out in 2004 on island Flores in Indonesia. These small people lived there about 20 000 years ago, that is simultaneously with Homo sapiens. They had a tiny brain - 380 sm3 as at a chimpanzee, but despite this lack they were skilful masters. Perfect enough stone tools have been found in a place of their burial place. Authors of a unique find have specified in similarity of "hobbits" with arhantrops (Homo erectus). In their opinion, "hobbits" most likely are crushing descendants arhantropov, lodged on island more 800 thousand years ago. This point of view was from the very beginning represented to the most well-founded. However other versions were offered also. Some researchers, for example, supposed that Homo floresiensis has occurred not fr
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Under an ice board of Antarctica the whole system of the rivers and the lakes, occupied by microorganisms which in case of thawing of ices can let out in atmosphere a methane large quantity - the strongest hotbed gas disappears, has informed Dzhemma Vedhem (Jemma Wadham), the geochemist from university of the British Bristol, at conference of the American geophysical union in Baltimore. Last years scientists have established that water disappears under mostly Antarctic ice board. Under two-kilometre thickness of ice the set of water streams and the lakes, most known of which disappears - the lake the East in which scientists hope to get next winter. This water world can serve as a shelter of huge quantity of microorganisms-metanogenov, therefore in case of thawing of an ice trap in which they are concluded, the collected methane can get to atmosphere, considerably having accelerated processes of global warming. Vedchem a
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As informs Japan Today referring to Kyodo News, the group of the Japanese astronomers under the direction of the professor of university of Kobe Tadashi Mukai (Tadashi Mukai) has come to a conclusion that behind an orbit of Neputna existence of one more major planet of Solar system - so big is probable that it corresponds even to new, more rigid definition of concept "the planet", accepted by the International astronomical union. This new definition does not allow to carry to "high-grade" planets, for example, long time considered that Pluton. The new planet, according to the resulted rough estimates, should have weight about 30-70 % of weight of the Earth, and its orbit should be on distance about 80 astronomical units from the Sun. An expected inclination of an orbit of "planet Х» to a plane ecleptic – 20-40 degrees. The planet, possibly, moves on the extended orbit with appreciable эксцентриситетом. The Cycle time round the
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Results of monitoring of Solar system infra-red space observatory WISE have led to detection black, or "dark" substance in unexpected considerable quantities. Opening threatens with serious consequences not only for the academic science, but also for mankind as a whole - already adjusted monitoring of objects in space, generally speaking, is essentially incomplete and threatens also to the Earth, and all "геоцентрическому ТВД" with unpleasant surprises. Wide-angle infra-red survey telescope WISE JPL/NASA has been put into orbit on December, 14th, 2009. The observatory is equipped by an infra-red telescope with rather modest aperture of 40 sm (such aperture even astronomers-fans for a long time already have mastered) and cryogenic detectors dimension 1024х1024 pixels of ranges 3,3, 4,7, 12 and 23 microns, cooled to temperatures 7,8 - 32 K.Zapasa liquid hydrogen on the companion should suffice on maintenance of work of equipmen
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The leader of a tribe of northern Altaians Anton Judanov has told about this event which will occur in 2012. Acquaintance to the leader has occurred in Mountain Altai. Zaisan, the leader of a tribe of northern Altaians - tubalarov, Anton Judanov devoted in white shamans has approached to me a clip not peculiar to 70-year-old aged men. A tambourine, maniaka (a special leather raincoat). At it the sight which it has penetrated me, appear, to bones was unusual only. Judanova have a camp in a taiga, the sacred tree - a cedar and the patrimonial mountain where it comes for religions. In a youth has ended timber institute, wished to become the engineer. But time when to it, the descendant of shamans, has come has come it is time to execute the mission. - Unexpectedly amazes «mistik illness» when start to pursue spirits, - Anton Viktorovich explained. - It stops only after we pass dedication. Prediction majja<
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About that now on a court yard an epoch of the Fifth Sun, we have learnt from the well-known calendar майя. And, according to these ancient Indians, it - the current epoch - has begun in 3114 year B.C. and should end on December, 21st, 2012. Further the most timid expect a doomsday, referring to Indians. Though майя meant only certain events which can turn the course of history. And enthusiasts also are at all adjusted: prophesy Golden Age approach. It would be possible to calm down in general. And not to think of a damned calendar. But about the troubles connected with change of epoch, remember also other historical sources.
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