Main » 2010 » February » 26 » Moongenesis: an apocalyptic hypothesis
8:32 PM Moongenesis: an apocalyptic hypothesis |
On chemical and ezotype to structure samples of a "lunar" ground as show modern researches with use of precision equipment, are surprisingly similar to the terrestrial. Such amazing similarity, generally speaking, not obviously also demands an explanation. For example, within the limits of a popular hypothesis of a "shock" origin of the Moon such similarity to explain extremely difficultly. In attempt to find a rational explanation to similarity of a "lunar" and terrestrial ground of Uniforms де Meyer (Rob de Meijer) from the South African university Vestern Kejp and Wim ван Vestrenen (Wim van Westrenen) from university VU (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) have put forward an extravagant hypothesis of an origin owing to development of uncontrollable chain reaction in a cloak of the Earth. Results of reflexions of authors of a hypothesis are stated in work "An alternative hypothesis for the origin of the Moon". Reactor fuel, according to authors of an extravagant hypothesis, natural uranium, thorium and other heavy elements served. The scale of the explosion which has thrown out in space a solid share of substance of the Earth, inevitably was on-gollivudski cyclopean. The new theory both is amusing, and is witty, however is pessimistic - it is necessary to assume, as in bowels of the modern Earth inaccessible to scientists there are the processes capable at any moment to transform into the next natural companion of the Earth the most hi-tech countries of the world. In favour of a new hypothesis the fact of existence of the natural nuclear reactor operating in Africa (present as Okli in Gabon) over billion years ago can be considered as some argument. However, express as well suspicions about essential more banal nature of strange similarity of a "lunar" ground on a ground terrestrial. |
Category: Universe |
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