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Main » 2010 » February » 26
On chemical and ezotype to structure samples of a "lunar" ground as show modern researches with use of precision equipment, are surprisingly similar to the terrestrial. Such amazing similarity, generally speaking, not obviously also demands an explanation. For example, within the limits of a popular hypothesis of a "shock" origin of the Moon such similarity to explain extremely difficultly.
In attempt to find a rational explanation to similarity of a "lunar" and terrestrial ground of Uniforms де Meyer (Rob de Meijer) from the South African university Vestern Kejp and Wim ван Vestrenen (Wim van Westrenen) from university VU (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) have put forward an extravagant hypothesis of an origin owing to development of uncontrollable chain reaction in a cloak of the Earth.
Results of reflexions of authors of a hypothesis are stated in work "An alternative hypothesis for the origin of the Moon".
Reactor fuel, according to authors of an extravagant hypothesis, natural ... Read more »
Category: Universe | Views: 1048 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

Hubble's space telescope has revealed unusual object in constellation of Volopasa. Opening was made by the international research group of the project on search supernew Supernova Cosmology Project.
Work under name Discovery Of An Unusial Optical Transient With The Hubble Space Telescope is published in magazine Astrophysical Journal.
On February, 21st, 2006 the telescope spent supervision of a remote congestion of galaxies CL 1432.5+3332.8 the distance to which on size of red displacement of spectral lines (1,112) was estimated in 8,2 billion light years.
In sight of a telescope the object with variable brightness has been found out. It consistently increased on an extent more than 3 months (about 100 days), having reached a maximum about 21 star sizes.
Then return process has begun. For the similar period of time brightness of object has decreased approximately in 120 times – to 26 star sizes.
In this case speech cannot go about the supernew. First, the curve of change ... Read more »
Category: Universe | Views: 851 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

On the threshold of the start of new space observatory SDO planned for February, 9th, 2010 (Solar Dynamics Observatory) NASA has let out the press release, in which Sun henceforth is called as a star not usual, but a variable.
Observatory SDO is intended for studying of aspect of variability of the Sun (' Variable Sun ' Mission).
It is a question not simply of the metaphorical description basically for a long time known non station luminosity of the Sun - during the foreseeable period it stably decreases.
In this case it is a question of cardinal revision of one of fundamental positions of a current picture of the world which has appeared incapable to explain behaviour it would seem for a long time the studied star.
Still recently axiomatic representation about stability of a sunlight in time is named by a rhetorical error of a class "oxymoron" - a combination incongruous, or in a literal translation with Ancient Greek - "sharp nonsense".
This revision will inevitably ca ... Read more »
Category: Universe | Views: 1745 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (1)

Modern researches with use of the newest equipment show that on chemical and изотопическому to structure samples of a lunar ground are extremely similar to the terrestrial. Within the limits of a popular hypothesis of a "shock" origin of the Moon such similarity to explain extremely difficultly.
Scientists of Uniforms де Meyer from the South African university Vestern Kejp and Wim van Vestrenen from university VU in the Netherlands have put forward absolutely new hypothesis of an origin of the Moon, on which natural companion of the Earth - a consequence of uncontrollable chain reaction in a cloak of the Earth. The scale of the explosion which has thrown out in space a share of substance of the Earth in size with the Moon - is really enormous. The new theory has caused a wave of pessimism among scientists - they had to assume that in bowels of the modern Earth inaccessible nowadays there are the processes capable at any moment to transform in "the new Moon" any site of a terrestrial ... Read more »
Category: Universe | Views: 816 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

The gene analysis of a material of hair of mummies of ancient inhabitants of Greenland, spent by research group of university of Copenhagen under the direction of Mortena Rasmussena (Morten Rasmussen), has led to unexpected results.
It has appeared that the trailblazers colonizing Greenland during an epoch of building of great pyramids of Egypt, for one thousand years before falling of Troy, were Siberians. Modern natives of island genetically are not connected with them.
Carriers of culture Sakkak colonizing island in 2500 - 800 BC have appeared Siberians on the roots
Now among experts there is no common opinion about the one whom were these people - distant descendants of the colonizers who have crossed Bering strait 30 - 40 thousand years ago during existence of overland "bridge" between continents, or later natives of Siberia.
In the latter case the new find, informs Reuters, is the certificate in favour of existence of a wave of migration from Siberia to America approx ... Read more »
Category: People | Views: 864 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

On October, 26th, 2009 at once four observatories to the USA, in states Arizona and Nju Meksiko, have spent supervision of casually found out object which has received a code name 9U01FF6.
Subsequently object existence has been confirmed by the Spanish observers.
Its first images are already presented.
Its nature while is unknown, however the object differs rather strange circumterraneous orbit with a cycle time 1 month (31 days), high excentrisitet and apogee of 420 thousand in km.
Similar orbits are close to transitive into lunar orbits, however do not correspond declared for the program "Apollo" and is much closer, according to experts, to orbits of the devices deduced by means of РН Agens in 1960th years - an epoch of realisation of the program "Apollo" NASA.
The orbit perigee 9U01FF6 makes now about 50 thousand in km that long time not noticed by observers and stations of monitoring of circumterraneous space has allowed object to remain.
What nature of object whi ... Read more »
Category: People | Views: 1060 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

Recently "the children's portal" has opened so-called, persistently calling for it to join.
That is propagandised on it as "games", to put it mildly, causes the SHOCK.
That only there are such "games" as "it is cautious! Adults!", "newcomers in a kitchen garden"! After certain repetition of cycles children are easily programmed on the set actions and conditions of dialogue with world around which they learn to perceive as threat.
Education thus fear and desire to kill, activization of low feelings, focusing on degradacions aspects of development becomes, seemingly, the core in the present.
Certainly that such education is based on a basis carefully hidden from extraneous eyes and located in a zone of rising generation.
Pay attention to interrogation: "HOW OLD ARE YOU?"
Category: Education | Views: 1083 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

Recently carried out researches have forced scientists to recognise amazing fluctuations of level of the World ocean in rather recent past. It has appeared that an order 100 thousand years ago the ocean has sharply increased the level approximately by 15 metres, then so sharply it has lowered.
Usually change of level of ocean is connected with polar ices. Than thaws glaciers - that above ocean level more. Thus, as scientists mark, process is periodical. Duration of one such cycle makes approximately 100 thousand years.
Meanwhile, calculations show that fluctuations of level of ocean about which there is a speech, occurred extremely promptly - on the specified 15 metres the ocean "has grown up" literally for a millenium. Level decrease has occurred for so short term to geochronological measures. An explanation to this phenomenon scientists yet do not send.
Category: People | Views: 994 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

According to thermodynamics laws, sooner or later the Universe the  destruction waits. Proceeding from it, the Australian scientists have tried to answer a question as soon it will come. With it they should be helped by calculation of level of universal entropy.
Entropy - difficult enough concept which is applied in the physicist, and also in the theory of the information and some other sciences. For the first time it has been entered in thermodynamics for definition of a measure of irreversible dispersion of energy.
Usually scientific count up entropy level to define, the engine is how much effective or to learn, how many works can be taken from fuel. Also entropy calculation is applied when it is necessary to define level of decline or system disorganisation. As have counted up Chas Igan and Charlie Lajnuiver from the Australian national university, entropy level in system under the name "Universe" in 30 times more, than it is considered to be.
"We considered that contr ... Read more »
Category: Universe | Views: 1001 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

Some psychologists are assured that parental "pressure" makes indelible impression upon the child, essentially underestimating its chances of successful and self-sufficient private life in the future. At the fatherly and parent severity which even not is not beyond reasonable, is as it is found out, weight of by-effects.
Parents should learn to choose the children own way to lives and to follow on it, counting possible variants of succession of events. "The most important that mums can make and daddies for the children is on the example to show, what should be a matrimony, — authoritative American psychologist David Kod confirms. — the basic representation of the person about marriage develops proceeding from a picture which he sees houses since a birth".
Choice of optimum style of education — a serious problem in which occasion recently in professional circles there is fierce debate. One experts in every possibl ... Read more »
Category: Family | Views: 841 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

Characters of the well-known film of George Lukasa "Star wars" would not manage to survive in the spaceship flying with a velocity of light. To such conclusion the American scientists have come.
During the researches they were guided by the theory of a relativity of Albert Ejntshtejna, According to it, hydrogen filling interstellar space at so fast movement spaceshattl will turn to radioactive beams which will destroy crew and will put out of action all electronic equipment.
"It all the same what to get in Big andron kollayder", - is told by scientist William Edelshtejn from John Hopkins's University in Baltimore. As he said, the cover of the ship will not protect people: the ten-centimetric layer of aluminium is capable to absorb only 1 % of harmful energy.
Not so long ago overcoming of a velocity of light seemed something from the science fiction category. However the researchers indefatigably working over th ... Read more »
Category: Universe | Views: 812 | Added by: Elhfi | Date: 2010-02-26 | Comments (0)

«  February 2010  »
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