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Main » 2010 » February » 26 » Representations about the Sun are cardinally reconsidered
8:09 PM
Representations about the Sun are cardinally reconsidered
On the threshold of the start of new space observatory SDO planned for February, 9th, 2010 (Solar Dynamics Observatory) NASA has let out the press release, in which Sun henceforth is called as a star not usual, but a variable.
Observatory SDO is intended for studying of aspect of variability of the Sun (' Variable Sun ' Mission).
It is a question not simply of the metaphorical description basically for a long time known non station luminosity of the Sun - during the foreseeable period it stably decreases.
In this case it is a question of cardinal revision of one of fundamental positions of a current picture of the world which has appeared incapable to explain behaviour it would seem for a long time the studied star.
Still recently axiomatic representation about stability of a sunlight in time is named by a rhetorical error of a class "oxymoron" - a combination incongruous, or in a literal translation with Ancient Greek - "sharp nonsense".
This revision will inevitably cause deep transformation of our outlook.
First, painfully endured by carriers of modern culture the problem of vulnerability of the Earth for space influences will find new aspect.
Asteroids and not only mythical stars-nemezidy, but also instability of the Sun as that become current threat any more only.
Naturally, any threat for someone - threat, for someone - a daily bread. Vulnerability already declared in press release NASA from solar activity of navigating, meteorological, communication and especially financial services for someone can become invincible temptation, and the quantity of sources of force-majeur situations - to increase in our validity.
On the other hand, in mass consciousness what it is regular or иррегулярно are considered as variable stars, but come back in a former condition.
The recognition of the Sun a variable star thereby allows to shade a question of importance fundamental to mankind: processes of stable decrease in the general luminosity of the Sun observed now are reversible or is not present?
Meanwhile this problem, as well as a problem of the nature of the Sun in general, is far from the permission. Not clearly, in what measure existing hypotheses of the Sun allow to admit other. Rather than the 11-year-old period, variability of the Sun.
The amplitude of possible fluctuations of solar activity is not clear. Character of their influence on biosphere of the Earth and in general - the nature of such influence is not clear.
Not clearly, whether "variability" of the Sun by any extreme processes on capacity with explosive dynamics is accompanied.
Not clearly, whether it is possible to predict reliably activity shone.
Not clearly, at last, how the Sun can throw up from itself cold substance.
Category: Universe | Views: 1854 | Added by: Elhfi | Rating: 5.0/1
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