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Results of new researches testify that during an epoch of last freezing when the most part Eurasia has been covered by glaciers, the ocean Ledovitogo had a huge region, free from ice. This region settled down in territory of present Chukotka, Alaska, water area of present Bering sea. It has received the conditional name "Beringija". Results of new researches are published in work "The Klondike goldfields and Pleistocene environments of Beringia", left in magazine GSA Todaly. Representation about a special role nowadays left on a bottom of Bering sea of overland "crosspiece" between Eurasia and America in an exchange of kinds of animals and plants was already generated in a science. However it was not absolutely clear, how through this severe region rather thermophilic kinds of animals and plants could migrate. Now the riddle clears up. According to scientists, the subregion Beringii remained free from eternal ices in Pliotsena (5,3 - 2,5 million years ago) and Plej
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The French physicists have warned about acceleration of movements of Northern magnetic pole of the Earth. Under their data, speed of moving of a pole has reached record value for all time of supervision. The pole with a speed of 64 kilometres a year moves from territory of Canada towards the Russian Siberia. For the first time pole movings have been noted in 1904.
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The private organisation under the name «World association of calendars» has suggested the United Nations Organization to change system летосчисления. As one of the reasons of replacement of a calendar, the association named that fact that on offered in XVI century Pope Grigory XII spends a paper large quantity. As it was found out, employees of the United Nations and reflected on it is not only because of a paper, but also for economic reasons. Now months consist of different quantity of days, and their beginning is necessary for different days of week that creates difficulties for economy and statistics. The chairman «World association of calendars» Wayne Richardson has declared that the project of a new calendar in which it is offered to eliminate this mess is submitted to the United Nations. In a new calendar – 91 one day and 21 full week in each quarter, however days in a year 364. Year always begins on Sunday, and from year to year all numbers drop out for the same days of
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In the history of ancient civilisations, the civilisation of Majja, apparently, has appeared anywhere. This culture has passed through magnificence, and then has mysteriously disappeared. Маjja have reached high development in astronomy, system of a calendar, the difficult mathematics and abstract thought. Accuracy and ideality of their calendar amazes and surprises. Predictions of Majja have been constructed on their calendar system which was basically, is based on studying the relation between a celestial motion and changes of a society of people. Майя believed that the Solar system will test revolutionary changes after the great cycle will be affected by a galactic beam that means Galactic Synchronization. According to predictions of Majja, in this great cycle there are 13 stages, with the detailed description of evolution of each stage. According to a calendar of Majja, 1992 is the first year of last period of last stage – 13th stage, last in a great cycle. In a calen
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Weak magnetic fields, in particular magnetic storms and magnetic field fluctuations before earthquakes, cause the electromagnetic resonant phenomena in an organism which can lead necrotic to changes in fabrics and blood-groove infringements, physicists-theorists from Uzbekistan and Germany working at Incorporated institute of nuclear researches in Dubna situated near Moscow consider. Now the significant amount of the data testifying to adverse influence of magnetic fields on the person, in particular magnetic storms is saved up. There is data about harmful influence of "an electromagnetic smog" in the cities, generated by set of electric and electronic devices. However till now there is no the standard theoretical model explaining this influence, authors of research - Zakirzhon Kanokov from National university of Uzbekistan, Jurn Shmeltser (Juern Schmelzer) from university of Rostock (Germany) and Avazbek Nasirov from Institute of nuclear physics (Uzbekistan) write.
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Imagine absolutely automated means of mass destruction – like "skynet” from films about terminator. Or even "Doomsday cars” doctors Strendzhlava (doctor Strangelove) … Soviet X-files? Or it was a reality? PETER БЕЛОВ, the doctor of engineering sciences: In Soviet Union "the system of a dead hand” has been developed so-called. What does it mean? In case the country becomes a target of nuclear rocket attack and the commander-in-chief cannot make the decision, among intercontinental Soviet rockets were such which could be started on a signal of radio of system of fighting command. By means of a difficult network of gauges of seismic activity, pressure of air and radiation "the system of a dead hand” could in case of a nuclear attack across the USSR put in action a nuclear arsenal - without that someone pressed the red button. If with the Kremlin there would be no communication, and computers would diagnose killing nuclear blow, rockets would be all the same started
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