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Research group NASA under the direction of Merava Ofera (Merav Opher) from George Mason's university has made an attempt to explain is abnormal high stability of a cloud of the interstellar gas directly adjoining on Solar system, presence of a powerful magnetic field. This field, in turn, was revealed working until recently магнитометрами research probes NASA of series Voyager. The cloud of interstellar gas in the size about 30 light years in a diameter on which the Solar system "borders", consists of atomic hydrogen and helium at temperature about 6000 degrees of Celsius. At the same time, in this area of space, according to current representations, there is an extending cover of gases with very heat dumped at explosion supernew about 10 million years ago. Their temperature on three order surpasses temperature of a mysterious cloud in the stability, and it is completely shipped in extending cover. The heated substance blown up Supernew should "blow off" essentially cold
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At once some passers-by have photographed on the mobile Phones the strange object which has appeared in the sky over Red Square. As Writes Daily Telegraph, flying object of the triangular form and width Approximately in one and a half kilometre reminds an imperial cruiser from a film «Star wars». At first object have photographed at night, and then in the afternoon. Not clear object there and then named the ship of newcomers. In experts on UFO of video has caused bewilderment. According to the were Analytics of the British Minister of Defence on the neolearnt flying objects of Nika Poup, it is the strangest and unusual shooting of UFO, which it ever Saw. And the expert of edition Jane’s which specialises on the space To subjects, has declared that at all has no representation that It can be. More in detail http://www.blik.ua/content/view/27418 / # ixzz0aFR1KMkh
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On December, 16th, 2009, at pre-dawn o'clock per Moscow on the Sun there was a flash, unique for the present unique and in itself period of activity of a star difficult to explain. It was characterised big (to measures of this year) by capacity, and also in. Images of the Sun at the moment of flash in different spectral ranges have been received by foreign space observatories. A number of domestic mass-media has noted what for strange coincidence of the moment of flash to some events which have occurred in Russia almost at the same time. Certainly, from the point of view of a modern science and the current scientific doctrine in general, communications between them cannot be basically. Speech should be conducted only about strange coincidence - a freak of chance. Much stranger and absolutely inexplicable coincidence has occurred this very day in the USA. As informs Space Weather, already after a sunset three districts in the USA, in the State of Nebraska, the brightest flash of ligh
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Astronomers-fans of the different countries of the world briskly discussed on the network Forums on December, 9th, 2009 the probable nature absolutely already unprecedented The show observed by inhabitants accustomed to the polar lights Scandinavia. Over northern areas of Norway it was unexpectedly developed enchanting, full of mysticism of show. Early in the morning over Arctic areas plunging into polar night Scandinavia it was generated, being untwisted in the sky, a huge spiral Light. Being slowly developed, the spiral has turned in captured a considerable part of a firmament light гало the correct form. From the centre гало, directing to the earth, has gone, rotating in the form of a corkscrew, a greenish beam. "We in Norway various polar lights, but it was something especial", - results Space Weather avaricious on emotion of a word of eyewitness Nika Banberi (Nick Banbury) from the city of Harshtad. The Norwegian mass-media and network forums are over
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Astronomers-fans of the different countries of the world briskly discussed on the network Forums on December, 9th, 2009 the probable nature absolutely already unprecedented The show observed by inhabitants accustomed to the polar lights Scandinavia. Over northern areas of Norway it was unexpectedly developed enchanting, full of mysticism of show. Early in the morning over Arctic areas plunging into polar night Scandinavia it was generated, being untwisted in the sky, a huge spiral Light. Being slowly developed, the spiral has turned in captured a considerable part of a firmament light гало the correct form. From the centre гало, directing to the earth, has gone, rotating in the form of a corkscrew, a greenish beam. "We in Norway насмотерлись various polar lights, but it was something especial", - results Space Weather avaricious on emotion of a word of eyewitness Nika Banberi (Nick Banbury) from the city of Harshtad. The Norwegian mass-media and network fo
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In constellation of Eridana the mysterious area is found out, in which matter in its any forms it is much less, than on the average in the Universe. This area correlates with the big cold stain on a card of relic microwave radiation - "Harm Axes".
The analysis of the data of the review of firmament NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS), executed by means of system of radio telescopes Very Large Array (VLA), has led to an unexpected conclusion – in the constellation of Eridana located in the neighbourhood with brighter and "recognised" constellation of Orion and convenient for supervision in the autumn, density of galaxies much more low, than on the average on heavenly sphere. Research has been carried out by research group of university of Minnesota under the direction of professor Lawrence Rudnik (Lawrence Rudnick).
Non-uniformity of distribution of galaxies in the Universe was known and earlier, however so extended sector, almost free from them, is identified and in
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Though till now it is impossible to tell with confidence that we not one in the Universe, exist the scientific facts, indirectly it is confirming. In 1976 in samples of the breed taken from a surface of Mars, the substances similar to a waste of ability to live of live organisms have been found. Repeated tests have not confirmed result. In 1977 at University of Ohio (Ohio State University) the radio telescope has fixed the neolearnt signal from constellation of the Sagittarius, lasting 37 seconds. The source of the signal which has passed through 220 million of light years, is unknown. In 1984 the meteorite which has arrived from Mars on which traces nanobacterials have been found out has been found in Antarctica. An extraterrestrial origin of these bacteria till now under doubt. In 2001 scientists had been added Drake's equation with which help
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